Follows a short overview of the files that are part of the
- doc/TeXRexx.tex This document.
- rexx/namestruc This ARexx macro contains a function that
returns the 3 main components of a filename, which are the device or
volume name, any subdirectory, and the name withtout any extension.
This file must be placed in your Rexx: directory!
- rexx/TeX-Server.rexx This is the main program that creates an
ARexx port named Start_TeX, waits for an order to compile a file,
then calls virtex to compile it.
- rexx/TeXedit.rexx This macro may be called by virtex or initex
directly, or by the TeX-server in case of an unsuccessful compilation.
- rexx/Start_TeX.#? These are macros used to call the
TeX-server. Currently available macros permit calls from within the
CLI, ShowDVI, CED and MG.
- rexx/Quit_TeX#? These are macros used to terminate the
TeX-server. The generic macro rexx/Quit_TeX may be called from
any program. Specific macros are rexx/Quit_TeX.ced for the CED
editor, and rexx/ for ShowDVI.
- rexx/#?ToFront These are macros that may be used to bring
some screen or window to the frontmost position, be it the CED,
TeX-server or ShowDVI window or screen.
- rexx/StartDVIprint.#? These are simple macros that ask for
which pages are to be printed and then calls DVIprint. The correct
printer must already be defined in ENV:DVIPRINT (see the
documentation on DVIprint), or the default preferences printer will
be used.
- rexx/NextTeXError.#? These are very simple macros that
may be helpfull when jumping from one error to the next one.
There are two ways to install all these macros correctly. An easy one,
and one which does not require you to add lots of files to your single
rexx: directory.